I finally stopped procrastinating and decided to write our first post. This is exactly what you should also do, stop procrastinating go to the gym, get off your bed, and head off

First off I'm going to talk about goals and how you should be able to achieve them with the right mindset. For example, you can only do 5 pushups, you should aim to be able to do 10 in 1 month. Here is where your mindset and mentality come in, you have to be extremely determined that you are going to improve you feel me? You should KNOW that you are going to transform forever and you’re never going to go back to your old lazy habits. You should be able to push yourself to go out and exercise consistently. If you will not be motivated to do that by yourself, then you can ask your friends to join you in this wonderful journey that you will swear by. Gym mentality also means controlling your desires, so make sure to wean off all that junk food that was the main part of your diet and start eating more protein and healthy foods (we will have a whole blog about diet later on make sure to stay tuned!)this will give you so much extra energy you don't even know! Your goals are in fact personal, but goals always mean improvement, transformation, and being extra stubborn to reach these dreams and turn them into reality.

This blog will help you with that. I hope you found this post helpful. If you did then you should wait for more 💯💯❤


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